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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Earth Day 2012

Earth Day is just around corner. We are preparing to share our learning at our Earth Day celebration. It is going to be lots of fun hearing about what other grade levels have be doing to learn about conservation and sustainability. I hope you are all as excited as I am to see the presentations. I hope you are also giving thought to celebrating in your own way at your house as you pass on to your friends and family what you have learned about taking care of the earth.

Students Enjoy the Frog Bog

The Frog Bog
By Mahayla H.
Last week, my class went to the frog bog behind my school. I saw big, round, brown stumps that looked like seats. I sat on one of them to make my observations. I saw a baby blue bird. He was sitting up in a tree branch. There was a green frog under the water. I also saw little fish swimming around in the water. I heard lots of things. I heard crickets. They sounded like tires squeaking.
I heard animals walking behind the trees. They sounded like leaves crunching. I heard the wind blowing through the trees. It sounded like a big wave crashing as the leaves hit the branches and each other. I felt the nice cool breeze blowing on me. I also felt the itchy grass brushing against my legs. I smelled flowers that smelled like strawberries. The frog bog was a beautiful place that day. I can’t wait to visit it again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Capris

We have mailed off another box of Capri Suns. It weighed almost 20 pounds. I wonder what they will become in their next life. At least they won't be sitting at the landfill rotting. I want to thank everyone for getting them ready to mail to Terracycle. Your dedication is heartwarming because I know it will benefit future generations...friends, family, and people we don't even know. But don't forget, our efforts to be more sustainable also help the the dwindling number of polar bears. What else have you done recently to help Mother Earth?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Conservation Scouts

Have you heard? We have 1st Grade Conservation Scouts this year monitoring our use of recycle bins and trash cans. They go with the custodians to each classroom and staff desk to make sure that only trash is in the trash can and only recyclables are in the blue recycle bins. They really have helped alot of people to realize mistakes that were being made. So far Mrs. Sass's Kindergarten class has had their waste sorted correctly on every check. Mrs. Haws and Mrs. Cikatco have always been correct, too. Remeber to think before you throw it away. Keep on sorting.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Drink Pouches

Thanks to Eliza and Meighan for helping to empty, and straighten up the drink pouches from lunch. We boxed up 15.5 pounds of empty pouches to send to Terracycle. That means that they will become something useful instead of going to the dump. The girls were very helpful, but it was interesting to listen to them talk about the messy bag of pouches. Some people didn't empty the pouches completely, didn't remove their straws, and didn't flatten the pouches. If these things are done, it makes it much easier to pack the box. Please help us out by emptying, flattening, and removing the straw when you drink from a juice pouch. Thanks for your continued support.