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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Worm Pavilion

The worm pavilion was designed, built, and delivered. The classroom worms moved into their new home on St. Patrick's Day. We layered their new habitat just the way they like it, so they should continue to be happy worms. There were lots of eggs moved too. The students sounded like they were on an Easter egg hunt. My favorite part is the window. You can see the layers now, but in a couple weeks, we will be able to see the progress the worms have made at decomposing the food waste and creating soil for next year's raised bed. Then we will be able to see the roots growing in the soil through the window. I'm thinking carrots, potatoes, or peanuts would be fun to watch. With diligence and grit, dreams do come true.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Conservation Chief Update

We started Conservation Chiefs in January. The meeting was about recycling and collecting Capri Sun Drink Pouches and Lays Chip Bags for Terracycle repurposing. February we looked at the worms in the vermicomposter and talked about collecting food waste from lunches in the cafeteria for composting. I didn't think it could get better than that...the worms are so much fun. But today...we looked at a slideshow of pictures from the Lynnhaven River NOW Trashion show. The local high school students created fashions from what would be trash or recyclables. It impressed and inspired me. So I asked and the Kellam Science National Honor Society students if they would like to do some collaboration. Three of them (past Creeds students) joined us for today's meeting and we discussed creating new ways to use old items. The students conferred and left the meeting with some great ideas that I look forward to seeing come to fruition. So stay tuned.