It is a wonderful thing to know that we are training preschoolers in our community to conserve natural resources by reducing, recycling, and reusing. To them it is just plain fun, but they carried away with them a knowledge of what to recycle and compost, how to conserve energy, and a beautiful picture reminding them to "Keep Earth Green". The preschoolers participated in an energy conservation obsticle course where they turned off lights, hung clothes to dry, and filled the dishwasher before turning it on. They helped to sort a pile of trash into things that could be recycled, composted, and trashed. We were pleased to see that the recycle bin was fuller than the trash can. And they used scraps donated by a framing business to create art work. On top of all of this, they received a copy of
"Michael Recycle and Litterbug Doug." Give it some thought, preschoolers are the future. If they can conserve resources, can you?
Encouraging mom to bring her own bags to the grocery store (reuse) is something kids can do as well. It would be nice to reduce the number of flimsy plastic bags that make it into our shrubs, woods, and streams.