Yes, I dropped off the empty drink pouches (7.7 pounds), the Elmer's glue sticks (11.7 pounds), Ziploc bags (5.5 pounds), and writing instruments (14.4 pounds) at the UPS office today. That's a total of 39 pounds that didn't go to the landfill. I wonder what it will all be turned into in the future. I just love the idea that Terracycle can take our TRASH to create useful stuff with a new purpose and pay us 2 cents each. We will continue to collect over the summer, so save your empty drink pouches, Elmer's glue sticks and bottles, Ziploc bags, and writing instruments (Sharpie, Expo, and PaperMate).

If your collection becomes too big, you can drop it off at the Creeds ES office Monday-Thursday in the Conservation Chiefs tub. Conservation shouldn't take a vacation, so remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle all summer long. We will decide how to spend our earnings in the Fall. What do you think we should buy? Remember it must be eco-friendly.