I found Happy Frog Herbert in my mailbox at school today. He was just hanging out, waiting to tell me how much he missed seeing my students visit the Frog Bog. If you have as little as 5 minutes to spend wandering around the Frog Bog, do it. Even in this heat, the trip is pleasant for a quick visit. In my little visit, I saw zillions of dragonflies, some butterflies, 2 spiders, a strange wood boring bee, an ant, lots of cattails, and tree that fell down across the path. You can still get around it with one giant step or by detouring through the center pathway. So take 5 minutes and enjoy our natural habitat. I guarantee you will hear birds, crickets, or frogs depending on the time of day you go.
The Frog Bog is doing really well. Judy, Liam, and I had a blast down there today. We saw dragonflies, the broken tree in the pathway, and the hundreds of cattails submerged in the pond. I did find some ticks on me afterwards but thankfully there gone now. Continue the good work with the Frog Bog Mrs. Marx and the rest of Creeds Elementary.