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Monday, May 9, 2016

Love the Worms

So when you love the worms, moles are enemy #1. I was adding food scraps for the worms in the worm pavilion when I discovered a baby mole. Cute maybe, but they grow up to eat up to their weight everyday. What do they eat? WORMS. This was a baby. My google search showed that moles can have 5 babies at once. Though they are solitary in their living, this was a family thinking that the worm pavilion was an all-you-can-eat buffet. We cannot have that when our worms are composting waste to make fertile soil for our garden. It just wouldn't work. So what to do? Solve the problem! I still wanted the worms to be able to enter or exit as they chose, but I didn't want the moles or mice to have that choice. With the help of my daughter and granddaughter, I emptied the pavilion, stapled a wire screen to the bottom, and problem solved. The worms were very happy and plentiful. My granddaughter found lots of baby worms to excite her and a baby toad that was entertaining for at least 15 minutes. It was a marvelous Monday!!!

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