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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Impressive Advances in Sustainability

Today I went to the Renaissance Academy Building on Witchduck Road and Cleveland Street which is due to open in January. WOW! It is an impressive example of Virginia Beach Schools going GREEN. It has a green roof covered with small plants to keep the building more insulated from weather and sound. The building collects rain water for flushing toilets. It has a geothermal heating and cooling system whereby water travels in pipes underground. Since the temperature is mostly consistent at 58 degrees, the water doesn't need to be heated or cooled as much to provide a comfortable indoor atmosphere. These are just a few of the great ideas being implimented. You will soon be able to check it all out on-line as it becomes an educational tool for everyone with computer access. There is proof that it only takes a dream and a little initiative. I cannot wait to see what is next.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Future

Our future is in your hands...each and every one of you. Conservation means protecting and saving our natural resources for the future. It is a decision you have to make for yourself. Every little bit will help. What can you commit to doing daily to help conserve resource? Ask our 1st graders what they do and you will get lots of "green" answers about reducing, reusing, and recycling.