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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meet Herbert

I found Happy Frog Herbert in my mailbox at school today. He was just hanging out, waiting to tell me how much he missed seeing my students visit the Frog Bog. If you have as little as 5 minutes to spend wandering around the Frog Bog, do it. Even in this heat, the trip is pleasant for a quick visit. In my little visit, I saw zillions of dragonflies, some butterflies, 2 spiders, a strange wood boring bee, an ant, lots of cattails, and tree that fell down across the path. You can still get around it with one giant step or by detouring through the center pathway. So take 5 minutes and enjoy our natural habitat. I guarantee you will hear birds, crickets, or frogs depending on the time of day you go.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visit to the Frog Bog

I took my husband and Amber to see the Frog Bog because they hadn't seen it, but had heard a lot about it since I am always talking about it. We went in the evening and the crickets serenaded us as we explored. We did hear a couple of bullfrogs, too. There weren't as many dragonflies and butterflies as my daytime visit, but there were a few. The flowers are looking beautiful and the path is dry. We around the path and found a spider on the backside in a wonderful web. Have you been out recently? Have you been by to see the installed water barrels collecting rain or the cherry tomato plant with it's small harvest? Check it out if you get a chance. It is your turn to show mom, dad, and any family visiting for the summer the outdoor classroom at Creeds ES. Make it one of your summer attractions. See you there!

Friday, July 2, 2010

More Recycling News

Did you know that Creeds also collects for recycling cell phones and ink cartridges? During this year we have sent in 12 cell phones and 311 ink cartridges. At about 90 cents each, that totals $270 dollars that will be used for technology. But more importantly for the environment, it means a reduction in trash going to the dump. Yeah! Thank you Mr. Bernhard for recycling cell phones and ink cartridges for Creeds. Remember, if you have a cell phone or empty ink cartridge, don't throw it away, drop it off at Creeds ES for recycling.