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Friday, January 29, 2010

Less Trash

Mrs. Marx's 1st grade class made stone soup today as a final celebration of Reading Month. To try to cut back on the amount of trash thrown away, paper plates were used for sandwiches and placed in the recycle bin; Capri Sun Pouches were used and collected for TerraCycle to upcycle; and white paper napkins were used and placed in the classroom compost bin. We all felt badly that we still had to throw away bowls and spoons that were not recyclable. Maybe next time we can use real bowls and spoons that can be placed in a dishwasher. Let me know if you find a good deals on some dishes and utensils.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

School Recycling Rankings

Did you hear? Creeds Elementary School ranked 4th city-wide for recycling. In November, we recycled 4,757.73 pounds of recyclable materials. As amazing as it may seem, add to that knowledge the fact that we are such a small school and I think it makes our 4th place ranking amazing. Way to go, Creeds! Keep up the GREEN DREAM!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Inspired Conservation

Through all of the talk about conservation in our 1st grade classroom, Judy was inspired to make a poster about it. This was something that she decided to do on her own...not for a grade or extra credit, but because saving Earth means something important to her. She is "simply the best" and "ahead of the curve". One of the activities we will be doing for Earth Day this spring is a poster contest. Start giving your poster some thought. What will it say? What will it show? What is worth conserving for you? Conservation will impact future generations more than ever.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Frozen Frog Bog

Have you seen the Frog Bog lately? It has frozen over with the prolonged cold spell. I wonder if the frogs have burrowed down in the mud at the bottom like in our book of winter animal behaviors. What do you think? I think the ice looks neat, but remember not to play on it because frozen ponds, lakes, and frog bogs aren't frozen enough to support your weight. Stay safe and enjoy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

E-Cycling Event

A picture is worth a thousand words they say. This picture shows a mound of old computer parts. Do you really want them to waste away in a landfill, when they could be recycled into useful materials. If you have old computer components, small tvs, stereo equipment, or game systems, take them to the Virginia Aquarium Saturday, January 23rd from 10-2. They will be collecting in the East Parking Lot off General Booth Blvd. In addition, you can learn other ways to go green at the e-cycling event. Clean out a space and make it a date. It is a new year: "out with the old and in with the new."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Saving the Earth ONE PEN at a Time

Yes! We are now registered to collect for recycling PaperMate, Expo, and Sharpie writing instruments. We will earn 2 cents for each one to be used to purchase something earth-friendly for the school. I am really excited about this one because everyone uses pens, markers, and highlighters and there is NO CLEAN-UP needed. So tell your family, friends, and neighbors to send in their used PaperMate, Expo, and Sharpie writing instruments. We are going green and earning green. Which collection brigade do you think will earn the most by June?

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Gift for Earth

Over the winter holiday break, I have signed Creeds ES up to give a gift to Earth. Our gift is a reduced amount of trash for the landfill. As I stated in the last post, we are collecting empty Capri Sun Drink Pouches to send to TerraCycle. We will be forming a Capri Sun Drink Pouch Brigade to ready the pouches for returning and to decide how to spend the money in an eco-friendly way to benefit Creeds ES. Also, we will be collecting empty Elmer's Glue sticks and bottles to prevent them from going to the landfill. So we will be forming an Elmer's Glue Recycling Crew to ready the sticks and bottles for return. How many pouches, sticks, and bottles do you think we can prevent from going to the dump?