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Monday, December 21, 2009

Capri Sun Collections

We are now collecting Capri Sun drink pouches to send to TerraCycle to upcycle into new exciting products instead of throwing the pouches in the trash to be sent to the dump. You can send your empty pouches to the school in a zipper bag with the straws removed. The conservation club will be readying them to mail to TerraCycle. With the 2 cents per pouch earned the conservation club will get to purchase something to add to the outdoor classroom pond or some other earth-friendly project. How many do you think we can collect before June?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Be Green through the Holidays

Every little act of green will help. Reuse gift boxes, gift bags, and cards instead of tossing them and buying new. You can start a new tradition by writing inside the box or bag who gave and recieved the gift and what it was each year, so that in addition to the excitement of a gift, you give the joy of a memory. Recycle all plastic or cardboard containers that are labeled as recyclable. Reduce the amount of electric you use lighting the outdoor decorations by turning them off before you go to bed and switching to LED lights. Enjoy your holiday traditions, spread the spirit of the season, and give the gift of GREEN to future generations. Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Is Like Christmas

Mrs. Barber and I are excited about the items that have come in for Frog Bog because we just know that you are going to be as excited about it as we are when the weather warms and we can spend time outside planting and exploring. Here is just a short run down on what will be in our outdoor classroom: a bat house, ladybug houses, birdhouses, benches, a vegetable garden, a butterfly garden and bench, stone markers, and (my favorite) a twin-barrel composter and worm composter. In addition, the plants and trees will be planted by then so we can all enjoy them. If you would like to be part of the planting process, let us know. We will be looking for some good volunteers.