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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little Steps Add Up

I was just noticing that the more little steps I take in the name of conservation, the more I notice what others are also doing for the planet. Dominion power is running commercials pitching the benefits of renewable resources like wind power. Campbells Soup can labels tote reminders to recycle the can and notify customers that the label is made of 75% recycle materials. Sam's Club receipts are printed on both sides of the paper so less paper is used. Creeds Preschool Pow Wow is focusing on conservation for its next meeting for the younger generation. The VBCPS "On Your Mark" blog spent the last week commenting on energy conservation in the schools and ways to take it home. I am glad that I am now noticing others' efforts as well as my own. It gives me new ideas and hope that the messege is getting out to the public. What steps for conservation are you noticing in your daily lives?

Monday, February 22, 2010


This spring we will start composting cafeteria waste in an outside spinning composter. I am looking forward to it. As a matter of fact, I am so excited that I bought myself a home composter to try composting kitchen waste at home. It is made of 100% recycled plastic, so it is keeping plastics that were once used from being sent to the dump, but it will help me to keep kitchen waste from going in my trash can, too. Another benefit will be the fresh compost for my garden. I am excited about my new Sam's club purchase. What do you think about composting?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Water Conservation Pictures

It is that time of year again. Mrs. Dawson is at it once more. In art class, the students in all grade levels are creating pictures to spread the word about saving water. The children have done a wonderful job with this task in the past. The best pictures at Creeds are sent on to compete with pictures from elementary schools all over the city. We might be a small school, but we usually have a good turnout in the city-wide water conservation calendar created every year. Last year was phenomenal with multiply pictures in the 12-month calendar and many more receiving honorable mentions. I wonder how we will do this year. Do you have a cool slogan for a water conservation?