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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cloth Napkin Tradition

In room 104, we started a new Thanksgiving tradition this year for our literature feast. We saved trees by using cloth napkins and making napkin rings by reusing empty toilet paper rolls. It added a touch of elegance and personalization. It was our ONE change for conservation for the Thanksgiving holiday. What will you do to save our world?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Commit to Changing Just 1

Commit to changing just one thing to conserve resources. Being green doesn't have to start as a huge commitment. Commit to changing just one thing to reduce, reuse, or recycle. It can be as easy as listening to that voice from the past that says to turn off the lights when you aren't in the room, fixing a leak, or packing lunches with reusable containers instead of plastic bags. For a list of great ideas that range from easy to hard, short-term trials to long-term projects like composting, check out One Million Acts of Green at The idea is that everybody working together to making one small green improvement in their life will add up to a big improvement for the world. And just maybe, they'll want to make one more small green improvement. Give it a try! Consider it an experiment or accept it as a challenge. Let us know how you do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans' Day

Since 1938, Veterans' Day has been an national holiday to celebrate and honor our veterans who have served to protect our freedom and keep us safe. Though not as elaborate as a parade, I did clean out my closets and fill a bag for the Disabled American Veterans. Maybe someone can benefit by reusing my gently used clothes. The veterans can use the money to serve their purposes. Did you do anything to honor the veterans?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Have you seen the Frog Bog at Creeds ES? It is the pond and its surrounding area behind the parking lot on the public library side of the school. It is the beginning phase of our outdoor classroom. The dream is to expand it to include a butterfly garden, a retirement garden, a vegetable garden, an amphibian habitat, and a compost project. It already includes nice mulch covered paths behind the pond and naturally growing plants. Check it out and let me know what you think.