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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another Terracycle Shipment

We sent in 42 pounds to Terracycle. That's Drink pouches, gluesticks, and zipper bags that won't be found at the landfill. Give yourselves a pat on the back for collecting so diligently. Keep sending in your collectible waste items. Terracycle will put them to good use and pay us for collecting them. We have all ready recieved a check for $192 for our efforts. I cannot wait to see what the Conservation Chiefs decide to purchase with the earnings. Oh, if you haven't been out to the Frog Bog recently, stop by and check it out. 1st Grade toured it last week, identifying living and non-living things and hunting for evidence of seeds. There may not be a lot of new growth yet, but it is still worth the visit.

Down and Dirty

The worms are back at work eating through food waste, coffee grounds, and shredded newspaper. They have all ready started making castings, which will act like fertilizer in the garden. They seemed very happy to be inside where it is warmer, though the compost pile from which they were retreive seemed pretty warm. At least in their new home they won't have as many friends to compete with for food. Well, not for the time being anyway. If they are as happy as the worms last year, then we'll have babies again before the end of the year.