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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some Impressive Numbers

6807 pieces of "trash" being revitalized. $136.14 we will have to spend on something eco-friendly for Creeds ES in the fall. 6 months of collecting is all we did this year since we didn't start until mid-December. This is just one small step towards conservation. Image what the numbers would be if everyone recycled all year long. In addition, image how many natural resources could be saved for the future. Cheers to you, Creeds, for taking the challenge and soaring high. Now, what should we spend our $136 on in the fall?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rainbarrels Installed

If you get a chance, stop by CES to see the new rainbarrels. They have been installed behind the school between the cafeteria and gymnasium. Now, if only we would get some rain to fill them. They will be very useful in watering our plants without having to use the water from the well. We will REUSE the rainwater and CONSERVE the well water. Wouldn't you like to have a rainbarrel? What would you use the water for at your house? I'm going to use mine to water the plants in my backyard and for rinsing things off.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

39 Pounds Diverted

Yes, I dropped off the empty drink pouches (7.7 pounds), the Elmer's glue sticks (11.7 pounds), Ziploc bags (5.5 pounds), and writing instruments (14.4 pounds) at the UPS office today. That's a total of 39 pounds that didn't go to the landfill. I wonder what it will all be turned into in the future. I just love the idea that Terracycle can take our TRASH to create useful stuff with a new purpose and pay us 2 cents each. We will continue to collect over the summer, so save your empty drink pouches, Elmer's glue sticks and bottles, Ziploc bags, and writing instruments (Sharpie, Expo, and PaperMate). If your collection becomes too big, you can drop it off at the Creeds ES office Monday-Thursday in the Conservation Chiefs tub. Conservation shouldn't take a vacation, so remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle all summer long. We will decide how to spend our earnings in the Fall. What do you think we should buy? Remember it must be eco-friendly.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Frog Bog Dedication

We sure got a soaking rain today during our Frog Bog dedication. It was needed so I'm not complaining. It was nice to see some of the original people who developed the idea and really got the ball rolling on the plan. Without them, we would be missing out on many real life learning experiences. I love looking at the plants as they grow and change. As I walk up to the pier, I am always in awe of the bullfrog giving one last loud croak before it falls silent because it hears me coming. I am looking forward to watching the Frog Bog through the seasonal changes and the growth that is life. What is your favorite thing about the Frog Bog?

Monday, June 7, 2010

5th Grade and 1st Grade Join Up

This morning Mrs. Barber's morning class and Mrs. Marx's class cooperated in preparing a new tray for the worms. (There are so many...they require lots to eat.) Mrs. Barber's afternoon class will prepare the last tray at the end of the week. After our Frog Bog dedication program 1st grade and 5th grade will cooperatively put the composted waste in the Frog Bog flower beds to fertilize them. Cooperation is a great thing...and using our natural resources wisely is an awesome thing. How do you think the worms will feel being out in the Frog Bog finding food for themselves instead of having food given to them?