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Monday, March 29, 2010

A Soaking Rain

With the soaking rain this week, the Frog Bog is overflowing and turning green. Taka a close look and you will see leaf buds on the trees and flower blooms on the perennials. With a little sun later this week, we should see big changes. Take a look when you get a chance and let me know what you find.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Frog Bog Under Construction

Did you hear about all the volunteers helping to plant trees, shrubs, and flowering plants around the Frog Bog on Thursday? Construction went quickly with so many knowledgable helping hands. The deciduous trees are planted behind the school, near the cafeteria, and around the Frog Bog. The flowering plants will add some pretty colors and attract butterflies behind the south parking lot. There are frogs and dragonflies living near the pond all ready. Maybe we'll see some turtles and lizards there soon, too. Be sure to take a look around and let me know what you think. I just keep thinking it is going to be TOTALLY AWESOME next month for Earth Day when everything is settled in and blooming.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Preschool Conservationists

It is a wonderful thing to know that we are training preschoolers in our community to conserve natural resources by reducing, recycling, and reusing. To them it is just plain fun, but they carried away with them a knowledge of what to recycle and compost, how to conserve energy, and a beautiful picture reminding them to "Keep Earth Green". The preschoolers participated in an energy conservation obsticle course where they turned off lights, hung clothes to dry, and filled the dishwasher before turning it on. They helped to sort a pile of trash into things that could be recycled, composted, and trashed. We were pleased to see that the recycle bin was fuller than the trash can. And they used scraps donated by a framing business to create art work. On top of all of this, they received a copy of "Michael Recycle and Litterbug Doug." Give it some thought, preschoolers are the future. If they can conserve resources, can you?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Worms at Work in Room 104

Our worms arrived this week and we fixed them up in a luxurious vermicomposter. The first graders in room 104 are excited about the worms and very curious. They want to see what the little guys are doing, but we can't look at them everyday because they have work to do. We are going to use the results of their efforts on our garden to make the plants grow better. And I hear we can use the worm tea to protect our plants from bugs. This will be a great experience for the students in room 104. Then they can be the vermicomposter ambassadors for the rest of Creeds. Did you know worms played such an important role in the garden?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Remember The Lorax

On this Dr. Seuss's birthday anniversary, remember the Lorax. He stood for the truffula trees and the importance they played in their habitat. Dr. Suess was a visionary ahead of his time. Remember Dr. Seuss's messege: "The word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." To keep earth healthy and sustainable, we all need to pitch in and help by reducing, reusing, and recycling. Would you help the Lorax, if he asked you?