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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Earth Day News and Writing

Check out the Earth Day Edition of the Creeds Indian Beacon to see student writing, conservation posters, Frog Bog pictures,and conservation activities that you can attend in the community in the future. Plus, Mr. Davenport explains the development of Earth Day 40 years ago. I love the poems and writing that the 1st and 5th grade students did about how to help save Earth.
Check it out and decide for yourself.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy 40th Earth Day!

What an extraordinary Earth Day. Everyone did an awesome job on their part in the school-wide program. I think we should make it an annual event...coming together to share our conservation ideas on Earth Day. I felt really inspired by everyone's enthusiasum. You know students were pointing out litter on the bus ramp and during walk-and-talk behind the cafeteria. What did you find most inspiring about the Earth Day activities you participated in today? Did you go all day without using paper? Did you go see the Frog Bog? Remember posters and writing can be turned into Mrs. Marx until Friday afternoon at 3:00pm.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are You Ready for Earth Day?

I'm excited and I hope you are. Tomorrow is the BIG day. Creeds ES will be celebrating the anniversary of the 40th Earth Day by going paperless. We have been rehearsing for our parts in the school-wide performance, too. There will be skits, songs, poems, raps, slideshows, and readers' theather presentations. I just know it is going to be wonderful. Dr. Howell is even going to read a special book about children taking care of the earth. There is a poster contest, too. And all the student writing about making a difference to keep the earth healthy and green are simply awesome! Creeds' students really know a thing or two about conservation. What is the one thing that you think everyone could and should do to protect our natural resources?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Frog Boggers

The 5th Grade Frog Boggers met for the first time Thursday and cleaned the Capri Sun Pouches. Some additional fifth grade helpers finished up the job on Friday. Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Clifton rubberbanded them together in groups of 25 for counting. When Mrs. Barber and I finished counting Friday afternoon, we were both impressed with the amount of trash we had diverted from the dump. How impressed are you with the final count of 2230 Capri Sun Pouches for our first shipment to terracycle? Can you figure out how much money that earns at 2 cents a piece? Keep sending in those empty Capri Sun Pouches, they are really adding up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Strikes Again!

The Frog Bog has tadpoles. If you would like to see them, as of today, they were located to the left of the pier's end. Remember they are part of our outdoor learning environment, which means you should definitely look, but DON'T TOUCH. Who knows how long it will be until they are frogs hopping around the bog? Oh, be on the look out the the turtle with the pink scale on its shell. Is spring fun? Having an outdoor classroom makes it all the more fun. I'll see you out there.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Birth Announcement

Yes, spring is the time for the birth of many babies...including lots of little baby worms. The worms in the composter in room 104 were busy doing more than composting over spring break. This morning I discovered many tiny little worms no longer than the width of a pencil eraser and no thicker than a piece of thread. Hopefully by next week, they will be big enough to show everyone. I guess that means they are happy in their new home. What baby animals have you found so far this spring?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Earth Day

Earth Day is Thursday, April 22nd. It is the 40th Anniversary of the Earth Day celebration. At Creeds Elementary, we will be going paperless for the day. In addition, we will have a program with presentations from each grade level that day. Also, to celebrate, we will be having a poster contest whereby students can create a conservation slogan and display it on paper 8.5 x 11 to 12 x 18. Winning posters for each grade level will be displayed on the morning announcements and on this blog. It is a good time to take a look at the newly created Frog Bog to see what nature has to offer. Mrs. Barber has even added a turtle recently. See if you can find it. What will you be doing to celebrate Earth Day?