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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Collection Totals

AWESOME! In January, Towels for Terriers collected 100 towels, 103 washclothes, 90 hand towels, and 33 blankets. Those numbers are great for one month of collecting. We want to thank everyone who particapated in January by sending in their old linens. Did you know Towels for Terriers was the idea of a 7th grader at Princess Anne MS? She came up the plan to collect and deliver the linens to the SPCA to help the be more eco-friendly. So don't ever let anyone tell you that one person can't make a difference. Here's proof that it only takes one person with a desire to make a difference.
Speaking of collections, our check for our Terracycle collections came in this month. We added 192 dollars to our account to be use here at Creeds ES to help us with our GREEN movement. The Conservation Chiefs and the Frog Boggers will be deciding what to spend it on this spring. I can't wait to find out what it goes toward. Until then: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink everyday!

Reuse It

Did you know the Conservation Chiefs reused some items that where headed to the recycle bin and trash can to create things with a new purpose. Their efforts extended the useful life of these items. Some students created cute storage containers and others created musical instruments. Before you throw that next container into the trash, think about how else you might use it. By reusing things, you reduce waste going to the landfill, you reduce the need for new resources to make new items, and you could even save yourself the money required to purchase the new things. Reusing is good for the environment and your bank account. Give it some thought. What can you reuse and how can you extend its life?